Dedicated to understanding, reducing and managing EMF exposures

People who physically feel the effects of wireless technologies
can shut off their wifi and their cell phones, but they can't shut
off their UTILITY METERS which are terrorizing society with RF
radiation, fire hazard, dirty electricity, and surveillance.
Since 2011 we have been helping people make themselves safe and
secure from utility meter hazards and other EMF harm and risks.
This web site has real answers and solutions.

Watch our Video Update explaining the latest in protection against unsafe and unlawful utility meters!
To watch in a larger view click on the YOUTUBE logo at the bottom of the video.

Personal interview with B.D. Erickson, President of Satic Shield, a leading company in electromagnetic protection, real solutions are presented here.

Satic Shield

Make sure and use the discount code: EMFhelpcenter.com for 10% off on all purchases!

The video below is an interview with Sean Polacik, a highly experienced Instrumentation and Electrical Technician who explains in factual and technical terms why electronic utility meters are innacurate, unsafe, invasive, improperly designed and not properly tested. Most electric service customers can sense that something is wrong with electronic utility meters. This video presents the precise details of why electronic utility meters should be removed from the market (and your home) immediately. If you wanted to sue your electric company to give you a safe and lawful electromechanical utility meter, the video below is almost all you would need.

Is your story similar to this?
Someone in your home starts to get sick. You don't know why.

People are losing sleep, suffering mood swings, memory loss, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, skin problems and other unexplained symptoms.

Your doctor has no answers, only drugs and huge charges for not helping you.

Your utility bill has skyrocketed, perhaps doubling or tripling electric charges per month.

Then you realize that the health issues and electricity rate increases started right after the installation of the electronic utility meter with it's high-powered radio transmitter penetrating the walls of your house with pulsed radio frequencies known to be the most damaging type of RF to biological organisms, and the electronics in the utility meter are causing invisible transient electric fields ("Dirty Electricity") throughout your home, emitting constantly from all of your house wiring into your living spaces.

And that electronic utility meter is causing a lot of other hazard and harm as well. Your electronic meter may simply explode in flames from a grid line surge.

You find out that your utility company has gone criminal with fire hazard, surveillance and radiation trespass on your property, on your home, without disclosure and without your consent.

You find it hard to believe that electric company policies, employees and executives would commit criminal trespass with all of that without even telling you.

In any case, you know something has to be done.

You call your utility company ask for a safe and lawful electromechanical utility meter.

Instead of helping you, they bully you, lie to you, threaten you, intimidate you, insult you and ridicule you. They might even manage to get you arrested or sue you for "interfering with their business."

That is their idea of "Customer Service."

While you never opted in to the hazardous and harmful meter, they offer you an "opt-out" contract with add-on extortion fees, but it turns out that expensive "opt-out" deal does not even provide a safe and lawful legacy electromechanical meter at all.

Instead, for the extra fees and giving up your rights, the "opt-out" meter is just another electronic meter causing dirty electricity, fire hazard (no surge protector), and a surveillance device that collects high-resolution personal data on your living habits inside your home 24/7.

They will pick up that data with "fewer RF transmissions", but they can turn that transmitter back on any time they want without telling you, just like they installed the electronic meter in the first place without telling you.

You realize this is a major crisis for you and your family because you are dependent on electric service, but you simply cannot live with that meter.

The utility company is a government-protected monopoly with no accountability for its violations, and even if you went to court, the judge has probably invested his or her pension fund in the utility company and does not feel that is important enough to disclose as a conflict of interest.

Meanwhile, you or some family members suffer more and more, becoming "electromagnetic sensitive" (developing an "allergy" to radio frequencies and electric fields), and it will only get worse over time.

Reputable peer-reviewed science has now confirmed links between both ionizing (heating) radiation and non-ionizing radiation with major diseases such as cancer, heart disease, neurological disease and injury and immune system failures. In typical fashion, industry, government and media all cover up the problem while collecting trillions in revenues.

You need to "escape" but there is nowhere to go.

This is why EMF Help Center exists. We have answers on this web site. There are things you can do. Start at the top of this page in the middle column titled "SOLUTIONS"


(1) Fatigue, Weakness
(2) Insomnia
(3) Headaches
(4) Brain Fog, Concentration
(5) Depression, Anxiety
(6) Memory Loss
(7) Visual Problems, Light
..... Sensitivity
(8) Skin Problems
(9) Heart Palpitations
(10) Dizziness


With the guidance of highly experienced Building Biologist Oram Miller (4,000 homes scanned) we have carefully selected, for this page, some useful yet affordable products and resources to help you take control of your EMF exposures and maintain safe and healthy living and working environments. To protect yourself legally you must have record of the harmful exposures!

CLICK HERE To open a blank
If you are using a scanning meter like the Cornet ED88t+, print the form, fill it out, get it notarized and this form may be used as evidence in any legal action.

In any legal matter it is wise to consult an attorney. This web site does not give legal advice.

To interpret your scanning meter readings on the Cornet ED88T+ Scanning Meter (above), CLICK HERE
To open or download a

Safe to unsafe levels of radio frequencies, electric fields and magnetic fields


For your convenience, below is a list of the free download document links featured and explained in more detail elsewhere on this web site.

Notice of Liability Template

Notice to your utility company CEO that, if they provide an unsafe and unlawful electronic utility meter, the CEO will be personally liable for all damages.

Notice of Fraud Template
Utility companies generally offer "Opt-Out" programs that cost you money. These programs are usually fraudulent because they only reduce radio frequencies. The electronic "Opt-Out" meter causes dirty electricity and fire hazard and it is an unlawful surveillance device, so the term "Opt-Out" is misleading and fraudulent. With this notice your utility company can provide a safe and lawful electromechanical utility meter or admit guilt of fraud and intentional harm by failing to offer a true opt-out from surveillance, dirty electricity, RF and fire hazard due to lack of surge protection. The only true and ethical opt out is one which allows you to have a safe and lawful electromechanical meter at no additional cost.

Revocation of "Opt-Out" Contract

"Opt-Out" contracts are a trap. While offering no protection against dirty electricity caused by the switch mode power supply in the utility meter, causing extreme fire hazard for lack of surge protection and subjecting occupants to high resolution personal surveillance, the "Opt-Out" contract often requires the account holder TO PERMANENTLY AGREE to be radiated, spied on and endangered with fire hazard and dirty electricity. If you have been tricked into entering an "Opt-Out" contract, we recommend you use this form to revoke that contract. There are other ways to reduce the RF from the meter such as shielding if it is done properly (more information in the "SOLUTIONS" column on this page).
Notice To Installers
This is notice you may print out and post physically on your utility meter. This notice warns of major consequences against the installer who installs an unsafe and unlawful (electronic) utility meter. For weather-proofing, this and the notice below can be inexpensively laminated with plastic at an office supply store.
Warning To Passers By
Utility personnel deny this, but electronic utility meters regularly burn and/or explode from grid surges. This notice warns passersby of the hazard and directs them to file claim with the utility company CEO if they are injured. This posted public notice reduces the possibility of injury and reduces danger of lawsuit against the homeowner by identifying the utility company as the responsible party.
Guide To Planning an OFF-GRID SOLAR System
OFF-GRID solar is the ultimate solution against utility company abuse, hazards, lies, damage and violations. Without this information you can make some very costly mistakes in planning your off-grid solar system. This is the starting point for anyone who is planning to go with an off-grid solar system. WARNING: An "On-grid" and "grid-tie" system is often a major rip off, money waster and big disappointment! This document is essential protection against making major mistakes.
Request For Surge Protection
Electronic utility meters have no surge protection for the simple reason that the surveillance device inside the electronic meter is itself flammable! No electronic circuit board can withstand a 20,000 volt surge when it is directly exposed to that surge, anfd thta's what electronic meters are, electronics! This makes electronic meters extreme fire hazards and hindreds of thousands of homes and businesses have been burned by electronic utility meters. By sending this request for surge protection to your utility company CEO, they become liable to pay all costs and penalties for any damage caused by a grid line surge if they fail to provide a surge protector timely. Once they receive notice of the hazard, THEY ARE FULLY LIABLE and no longer can they "play dumb".
Fire Hazard Warning
This template is to be edited and sent by certified mail to the utility company CEO. It focuses on the electronic utility meter fire hazard and clearly makes the CEO liable for any fire damages caused by the electronic utility meter. This overlaps the "Request For Surge Protection above". You may wish to send one, the other, or both.
Notice of Default
This is the final step in the Notice Of Liability process to inform your utility company CEO that, by failing to properly rebut your original notice, and they have agreed with your terms by default. This gives your notice process more authority in any legal action. IMPORTANT: Send this document as cover letter with a third copy of your Notice of Liability (above). Three copies by certified mail is called "perfected administrative process", that means the courts take you seriously if you have sent your notice three times.
This document is to put any telcom or wireless executive on notice that they will be paying damages and penalties to you for any damages caused to you by their radio frequency transmissions. This document can be sent alone or with your claim for compensation and penalties for damages or nuisance from any radio transmitter placed without your consent in a place where it effects you. This document can be sent to any top executive at any company which, for instance, transmits any radio frequencies, operates an antenna tower, or owns or operates 5G satellites which transmit RF to the ground. After you send this document and give them 30 days to respond you may then send your monetary claim to the same executive with a copy of this form and your original mail receipts (proof of prior notice). Your monetary claim is your demand for specific compensation for specific damages which you show with some kind of evidence. If you can collect and show evidence and records, your notices and demands carry more authority and credibility.
This is a 257 page document with hundreds of references and citations of the harm and hazards of electronic utility meters. This is very useful for supporting your notices and actions in opposition to electronic utility meters.
REFERENCE: Science Studies Showing Harm of EMF
This is a 95 page document with over 1500 references and links to peer reviewed published scientific studies showing EMF to be biologically harmful. If anyone tells you "There is no evidence of harm from EMF" you can send them this document and say "You are wrong". Mainstream media loves to pretend the studies do not exist. There are thousands more studies as well, this list is truncated. We are in a make-believe world very much like the several decades when the tobacco industry said "There is no evidence of cancer" while they had extensive evidence of cancer in their own files. With these references of real-world studies, the "No evidence of harm" excuse is not just wrong, it is intentional deception. Anyone receiving this document can no longer claim ignorance or innocence if they are promoting any wireless technology.


DISCLAIMER: This web site contains no legal advice, only layman opinions.

Send and post notices and warnings

You have no rights or protections until you make notice of your positions to your utility company's top executive. Send this Notice of Liability template by certified mail to the CEO of the utility company if you understand the hazards and harm caused by electronic utility metering. We currently recommend this Notice of Liability as a powerful tool to protect you in many ways in the future. Fill it out with your utility customer information and the CEO's name and address, read the text and edit it if necessary so the wording is appropriate to your circumstances, print the notice out and send it by certified mail to the CEO or top officer of your utility company. Keep copies and all mail receipts (more detailed instructions are below). If you do not put your position on record, you are presumed to agree with everything your utility company does, and they are NOT acting in your best interests.

Understand, the NOTICE OF LIABILITY is not worded to refuse the electronic utility meter ("Smart Meter") because if you refuse the meter they will very likely cut off your service! Utility companies have made it very clear that they have no interest in obeying the law or respecting the health, safety and rights of their customers. Legally, they cannot install a radiation-emitting surveillance device fire hazard on your property without your consent, but they have a government-protected monopoly so no one will prosecute them for this trespass (yes, government is complicit in intentionally harming you). Also, we are dependent on electric service and the utility executives know this, so they act like they are above the law and can assault their customers all they want. If you refuse the electronic meter they will simply penalize you, shut off your power, and dare you to sue them. This web site gives you many alternative solutions where your power will not be shut off and you will not have to enter an adversarial battle with your utility company.

The NOTICE OF LIABILITY gives you a huge legal advantage if, as often happens, the utility meter causes someone to get sick from radiation or dirty electricity, starts a fire on the side of your house, damages your electronics or appliances with dirty electricity or surges, if your privacy is invaded or security threatened by a surveillance data hack or misuse, etc. etc. If any of that happens, the NOTICE OF LIABILITY is PRIOR NOTICE that the utility was causing those hazards and harm. This is very important legally. If you send the NOTICE OF LIABILITY before the damage occurs, then the damage is not an "accident", it is Gross Negligence, Criminal Malfeasance, Assault and intentional wrongdoing by the utility company and the CEO, and they will owe you FULL REMEDY AND PENALTIES WITHOUT CONTEST OR DELAY upon your submission of a claim. A claim is not hard to write. It is simply a demand for a sum of money because someone damaged you. The better evidence and records you can show, the more powerful and forceful your claims will be. If you can find a physician who understands EMF hazards, that Physician's reports will be very useful evidence for you.

After you send the NOTICE OF LIABILITY, if you can collect any evidence whatsoever that the utility meter has caused you harm, hazard or damage (take pictures, record details) you send a major monetary claim to the utility company along with copies of your evidence and a copy of your NOTICE OF LIABILITY (with the original date on it) for IMMEDIATE payment of your claim. Contact us for layman assistance or an attorney for legal service if you need assistance writing your claim. If your claim payment is delayed more than 30 days FOR ANY REASON, you start adding penalties, interest and costs of collection and you take it straight to an attorney and you expand that case to encompass as many "defendants" as you can identify who will each be fully and separately entitled to receive compensation, penalties and reimbursement for all legal costs.

If the utility executive makes the mistake of NOT PAYING your initial claim timely you may escalate that claim by magnitudes because they are forcing you into formal legal process for collection and they are acting in bad faith by failing to pay your claim timely when they were PUT ON NOTICE of that obligation prior. You may want a Personal Injury attorney, a Civil Rights attorney, or any attorney who can handle a Tort depending on the evidence and the circumstances, but that attorney should GLADLY take your case without a retainer ("on contingency") because you have the evidence of damages and the prior notice (NOTICE OF LIABILITY). There is NOWHERE that utility company, or CEO can hide from this obligation to you because they ARE grossly negligent if they put an electronic utility meter on your home or workplace and failed to remove it when they were informed of no consent and hazard with the Notice of Liability above.


Dutch translation of NOL (English version is above)
Kennisgeving van aansprakelijkheidstelling
Courtesy of Arthur De Bruin

If, at any time, the power company offers you an electronic "OPT-OUT" meter they are committing fraud. Electronic meters are not an opt-out, only the traditional ELECTROMECHANICAL meters are a true "opt-out" because electronic utility meters:
1) Have no surge protection and represent a serious a fire hazard.
2) Have switch mode power supplies causing dirty electricity.
3) Conduct unlawful surveillance on your private activities in your home.
4) May transmit radio frequencies.
If you are offered an electronic meter as an "Opt-Out" make sure and send this "
Notice of Fraud" the same way as your Notice of Liability above. When you read that Notice of Fraud download (it is less than two pages) you will understand more about that. If your utility company does not give you a well-supported rebuttal against their fraud, they are agreeing to this violation. Well-supported means they have to show that they disclosed that their "opt-out" did not opt-out of those hazards and harm and was not a true opt-out.

Here is a link to a web page where you can find opt-out policies for different states, or whether a state has any opt-out policies at all: STATE BY STATE SMART METER OPT-OUT POLICIES.

Due to fire, explosion and health hazards it is important to POST NOTICES at the utility meter to warn installers of their liabilities and to warn passers by to STAY CLEAR of the meter. If you take pictures of these notices posted by your utility meter those pictures may protect you legally if the utility meter causes damage. The following notices can be printed out, laminated at your local office supply store, and hung or mounted on or near the utility meter. Property owners need to post notice so they cannot be sued when the electronic utility meter burns up, explodes, causes injury or makes someone ill. Download free posted notices here:



2) DISCONNECT (if possible)

The best solution which solves all problems at once is to go off-grid. Get a solar system with batteries, maybe a wind turbine as well, and cancel your account with your electric company.

If you cannot do that, you can address the problems individually as outlined below.

If you are planning to go off-grid solar we strongly recommend you review this OFF-GRID SOLAR guide to start planning your Off-Grid Solar system. That will save you from making some expensive mistakes. If you would like assistance in converting to off-grid solar/wind we can provide consultation at whatever level you can afford. See contacts at the bottom. You may call us with any questions at no obligation. Check your local laws, codes and regulations regarding solar power systems.


Electronic utility meters have no surge protectors and have flammable internal electronic components in the form of a surveillance device (data collector), a data recorder, a processor, a transmitter, a switch mode power supply, etc. These electronic devices DO NOT BELONG inside a device that is subject to 20,000+ volt electric surges!!! Electronic Utility Meters often explode in flames when grid line surges occur.

Electronic utility meters cause thousands of house fires every year from grid surges. Old-style electromechanical meters do not cause fires because they have surge protectors and no flammable electronic components. By installing surveillance devices and removing surge protectors the utility companies are horribly irresponsible and they know they are causing fire hazards by doing that. Contact your utility company in writing with this template which is a request for a surge protector to be installed upstream from your utility meter. That written record will protect you legally if there is a fire even if they fail to provide the surge protector. If you send the notice and they fail to provide the surge protector, they are negligent and responsible for all damages if a surge does occur which damages your property or causes injury.

Remember, the surge protector must be installed UPSTREAM from the electronic utility meter. That means on the power company side between the meter and the drop line or phone pole. If the surge protector is on your side of the utility meter it will not prevent the meter fire or explosion during a grid surge.

If you can't get a surge protector installed, put some sheet metal guards like a broad collar around your utility meter to divert any fire or explosion away from the structure of your house. Remove all flammable plants, furniture, toys and structures from around the meter and do not occupy that area any more than necessary. Do not let children play near the meter! That sheet metal may not prevent the house fire but it will provide some extra time before your house is fully engulfed in flames.

Whether or not you can get a surge protector installed, make sure you have sent the attached NOTICE OF LIABILITY by certified mail to the CEO of the utility and inform him/her that he/she is fully and personally liable for all costs and damages of any fire originating from the hazardous electronic utility meter.

Regardless of what they say, utility company executives know that electronic utility meters cause fires. They are willing to take the risk because, as they see it, it is not THEIR risk, it is yours. If there is a fire, take aggressive legal action to sue for major damages and name those utility executives in the actions. You should have no trouble getting a good attorney to take the case without a retainer fee ("on contingency") because the settlement could be in the millions, especially if you warned the utility company in advance with the Notice of Liability. By failing to provide safe and lawful metering upon your notice, they are grossly negligent and also criminally liable for major damages for your utility meter-caused house fire. Name the CEO personally in that lawsuit and criminal complaints and name the company generally along with any contractors, installers and manufacturers associated with the meter along with their executive officers personally. When you warn someone that they are causing a fire hazard on your property, then they refuse or fail to provide remedy, and then there is a fire on your property caused by that very same hazard, you are in a very strong position for your legal actions.

The NOTICE OF LIABILITY covers most of the various hazards and harm of the electronic utility meter. The "Notice of Fire Hazard" document below is focused on just the fire hazard and sets up a million-dollar-plus settlement from your utility company CEO. This document is very direct and hard-hitting on the fire hazard issue. It is just another tool for you to add to your legal protections if you wish. There is no harm from sending overlapping or repetitive notices. In fact, it can strengthen your position.

Notice of Fire Hazard

DISCLAIMER: Please regard all information on this web site and in our document templates as opinion strictly for educational purposes, not legal advice. All legal actions have risks. Act at your own risk and, in any legal matter, seek expert legal assistance.


Because our living spaces are now flooded with wireless gadgets and tranmsitted energy, everyone, especially those in urban environments, needs a scanning meter to measure the RF exposures from the utility meter and many other sources. Knowledge is power, and you need a scanning meter to collect evidence against the utility company.

We recommend the Cornet ED88T Plus. It is a very versatile meter, under $200.00 and able to measure the three major EMF hazards: Radio Frequencies, Electric Fields ("dirty electricity") and Magnetic fields. Due to back-order issues we do not offer the Cornet meter for sale here directly. We recommend searching the web for "Cornet ED88T+ Scanning Meter, Cornet Microsystems" and verifying that the seller HAS INVENTORY AND CAN SHIP THE PRODUCT TIMELY.

IMPORTANT: If you purchase the Cornet ED88T+ scanning meter watch this video to learn how to set up the meter, how to scan your location with that meter and how to interpret the readings.

If the scanning meter tells you that any of your living spaces have excess RF exposures from the utility meter, send the NOTICE OF LIABILITY (instructions above) and include a written record of the excess RF readings including the readings, the locations, date and time of the scanning.

In some cases, if an unhealthy source of EMF cannot be removed, the only practical solution may be to install shielding material. Many types of shielding are available for structures and here is a link for shielded clothing. Shielding is technical and risky and, generally, should be done with the guidance of a Building Biologist consultant. Do not wear a shielded hat while approaching a transmitter such as wifi, cell phone or electronic utility meter. On a budget, you can use grounded aluminum foil on a wall behind the utility meter, however we offer better shielding materials from Satic USA. Call 818-319-4282 for information. Use a scanning meter before and after you install any shielding to make sure you are reducing the exposures.

We do not recommend putting a cage or shield over the face of your meter on the outside of your house. If you defeat the transmitter entirely, the utility company may penalize you for "tampering" or "interfering". Also, if you fully block the RF, the transmitters will increase power to maximum and pollute your living spoaces even more. Do shielding inside the house behind the utility meter, or between the utility meter and the house if the meter is on a pole, but you do need a scanning meter to verify that your shielding is working and not causing additional problems in any way.

Always use your scanning meter before and after installing shielding materials.

To shield inside surfaces you may use specially made textiles or a shielding paint however, the shielding surface should be grounded and make sure and NOT have any wireless devices or transmitters inside the shielded spaces.


Also referred to as "transients" or "Electric Fields", these are harmful electric fields in your living spaces caused by the "Switch Mode Power Supply" in the the surveillance device in your utility meter.

That Switch Mode Power Supply causes wasted energy to penetrate the living spaces from all your wiring. Some experts believe this has caused a cancer epidemic and is very hazardous to health in many ways. Recommended book:
"Dirty Electricity" by Sam Milham).

To clean this Dirty Electricity away before it penetrates your living spaces we recommend an electrical device known as a "Whole House Line Conditioner." Dirty electricity can come right in from the outside grid or even your ground wires from your neighbors disrupted current. Of course your current is disrupted even more by the switch mode power supply in your electronic utility meter. In addition to being a health hazard, all this degraded current damages your appliances, especially your computers and electronics, and causes your electric bill to go up with the wasted energy. The electronics in your utility meter makes all of that dirty electricity far worse, saturating your wiring and broadcasting biologically destructive fields into your living spaces. The Satic Power Perfect Whole-House Line Conditioner (see the upper-right corner of this page) cleans that toxic dirty electricity from your living spaces. It is installed by an electrician next to your service panel to clean and condition all power coming into your home. This is a very effective device which protects your appliances and electronics from damage, scrubs much of the utility meter surveillance data before your power company can pick it up, sharply reduces or eliminates the biologically harmful dirty electricity (electric fields) penetrating your living spaces and reduces your electric bill.
To purchase or see more information on the SATIC POWER PERFECT BOX click here. BEFORE YOU ORDER call for deep discounts that we are not allowed to advertise here: 818-319-4282, mobile: 818-843-3667.

Satic also makes smaller PURE POWER PLUG-IN FILTERS, the best plug-in filters you can buy. Four of these plug-in filters are equivalent to a Whole House Line Conditioner.
Call if you have any questions or for purchasing assistance. Satic Sales:


When did it become OK for people to watch you inside your home? With the new electronic utility meters, your electric company will collect a highly revealing profile of your personal and private activities and living habits inside your home with time-of-day data in a database which they will store for years and share with law enforcement, government agencies, insurance companies, your spouse's divorce lawyer, criminal hackers, etc, etc. The Line Conditioner described in the paragraph above "scrubs" most of the surveillance data before the utility company can get it.

We recommend writing your utility and asking them for full information on what personal data they are collecting and who they are sharing it with. Do not speak with customer service on the phone about such things, they either don't know or they will lie to you. Write the CEO with your questions and request response within, say, 21 days. This inquiry, even if not answered, can protect you legally later. They are obligated to disclose any surveillance, tracking, data storage and sharing of your personal information.

IMPORTANT: Again, we do not recommend putting a cage or shield over the face of your meter on the outside of your house. We do recommend in-house shielding or, better yet, installing off-grid solar and canceling your grid electric service altogether. Shielding poses certain technical challenges and hazards, and we strongly recommend that, if you choose to do shielding, use a scanning meter (see the Cornet meter above) or better yet, contact our partner Building Biologist Oram Miller to arrange for consultation. Contact him at no obligation at: 310-720-7686 or orammiller(Shift+2)earthlink.net


The person who is "liable" is the person who must provide the remedy if anything goes wrong. Unless you state your positions on the record and make Notice of Liability to the truly responsible parties, you are presumed to agree with whatever harm and hazard your utility company chooses to inflict upon you and they might (falsely) consider you responsible for the harm your utility company does to you. By accepting electric service and opening an electric service account you are presumed to waive (give up) many of your property rights, privacy rights and rights not to be harmed by fire and radiation. This Notice of Liability REVERSES the liability to the CEO and power company WHERE IT SHOULD BE. It is very important for your future protection to send that to your utility company as soon as possible.

DOWNLOAD that Notice template by clicking HERE.

Address that Notice of Liability to the CEO or top authorized officer of your utility company, go through it and edit anything you want to change, print it out, sign it and send it by certified mail, signed receipt. Keep copies and receipts from everything. In about 24 days send another copy with the title "SECOND NOTICE", then, 10 days later send a third copy along with this Notice of Default to the same officer with a third copy of the original notice, all by certified mail, save all written responses you may receive. That three-notice process is legally referred to as "Perfected Administrative Process". If you only send one notice the courts may not recognize it as "perfected" notice. If the utility company responds and denies your notices in any way, or simply threatens you, simply deny their denial in a cover letter and continue your mailing process. If they deny your notices after you send the Notice of Default, send another copy of the original Notice of Default immediately with the date circled in red and a reminder that they have not acted timely and are now bound by all your terms and conditions. They do not have right of denial after defaulting. That Notice of Liability is technically not something that can be denied because they ARE imposing the harmful meter with all the harm and hazards stated in that Notice of Default and they are responsible for the consequences whether you notice them or not. The notice simply makes your position much stronger legally. You will see the power of this process when you read the download document.

Electronic utility meters do a lot of harmful and hazardous things. If you require (in writing) disclosure about the features, functions, compnents and certifications of the utility meter and the utility company fails to give you that information, they become fully liable for any and all damage related to the functions and failures of the utility meter. This document is an additional "insurance policy" which can establish legally that your utility company is in "gross negligence" by failing or refusing to provide disclosure of their harmful policies and equipment. Free download for the "REQUIREMENT FOR DISCLOSURE"

Best regards,

Pacific Standard Time Zone
email address Office: 818-319-4282
Cell: 818-843-3667


I can help you on the phone and by email. If you have questions or would like assistance with any issue related to EMF or utility metering:
Click here to go to CONTACTS at the bottom of this page.
I do not charge for consultations. If you feel I have helped you, I welcome any donation.

- And Protect Your Health!


Clean power and less utility meter surveillance.
Manufacurer's suggested price:
$1,295.00 + $35.00shp

Office: (818) 319-4282
Cell: (818) 843-3667


Double protection for solar systems, large houses and extra heavy appliances.
Manufacurer's suggested price:
$1,595.00 + $35.00shp

Office: (818) 319-4282
Cell: (818) 843-3667 EMI

To see more information on the


Satic Plug-In Filter
The energy saving Satic Pure Power Plug-In Filter plugs into any standard 120V outlet to filter out harmonics, reduce EMF, protect from power surges, increase efficiency and reduce power costs on your utility bill.

This plug-in filter will reduce dirty electricity on any of your house lines which may be causing problems.

Plug your computer directly into this line filter for surge protection and clean power!

$209.00 + 15.00shp

$379.00 + 25.00shp

$699.00 + $25.00shp

By Satic

These LED bulbs are
like no other LED's!

- No flicker, strobing or buzzing
- No EMF
- No Dirty Electricity
- Warm or cool color options
- Superior components, longer life

Toss out those old dirty LED bulbs! These bulbs help you create a clean living environment.

Buy now!
9W Light Bulbs, 12-Pack Warm Color
9W Light Bulbs, 12-Pack Cool Color
12W Flood Lights, 9-Pack, Warm Color


Satic Plug-In Meter

The Satic EMI Line Monitor is the latest and best technology to measure electromagnetic interference ("Dirty Electricity") on your wiring at your home and workplace.

Simply plug this meter in to any 120V recepticle to see the dirty electricity measured in millivolts. As dirty electricity may fluctuate, the top number is the peak reading since plugging in the meter. The number below is the current "real time" reading, so when you plug in a Satic Line Filter (above) you will immediately see how much the dirty electricity has been reduced. The graphic "swoosh" at the top of the meter display gives you a visual representation of the change in electrical interference before and after you plug in a Satic Plug-in filter.

The Satic EMI Line Monitor also has a speaker which gives you audio feedback for an even better indication of your dirty electricity levels. This plug-in meter gives you guidance on where you need line filters to keep transient electric fields down in order to protect the health of the occupants and prevent damage to electronic appliances and equipment. Whole-house and plug-in wiring filters are available above on this page!
Satic Plug-In Meter

$179.00 + $15.00 Shipping

CLICK HERE to see more information on this EMI Line Monitor (Dirty Electricity Meter).


This is the most powerful and versatile meter available in this price range. This meter scans for RF (radio frequencies), including smart meter pulses, as well as magnetic fields (Gauss meter), electric fields and "dirty electricity".
If you only buy one scanning meter this is the one to have.
Features a headphone jack for audio monitoring of the sensors and USB jack for data recording with optional app.
Uses 9v Battery.
Easy to read color LED "danger" lights as well as full data on screen.

UNDER $200.00! +shp

To purchase the Cornet ED88T+, do a web search for "Cornet ED88T+" to find a dealer. If necessary use the search term "Cornet ED88T+ scanning meter Cornet Microsystems" Make sure you find that exact model number and make sure they have some in stock before ordering.

Courtesy of International Institute For Building Biology and Ecology

First, watch the tutorial below, at least the first part showing how to set up your
Cornet ED88T+.
The Cornet meter displays Milliwatts per Square Meter (mW/m2). Here is how to interpret the readings:
Less than .0001 is no biological hazard.
.0001 to .01 is slight biological hazard.
.01 - 1.0 is severe biological hazard.
More than 1.0 is extreme biological hazard.

NOTE: electromagnetic sensitive people require lower exposures than those indicated in this table.

"Cornet ED88T+ Tutorial"
Cornet ED88T+ Tutorial
90 Minutes.
Oram Miller
Oram Miller

Oram has consulted for over 4000 homeowners and teaches other Building Biologists for their credentials. Oram's web site has a wealth of information on EMF and environmental health and saftey as well as contacts for consultations. Visit createhealthyhomes.com
or call 310-720-7686

International Institute For Building Biology And Ecology
The field of Building Biology, sometimes called "Bau-Biologie" is now growing rapidly to address the new health and safety concerns caused by our new technologies and living styles. The International Institute for Building-Biology and Ecology web site is a great resource of information and a registry of environmental health professionals serving many areas.

Body Meter
Are you too charged up?
The body voltage meter allows you to check and monitor the voltage charge in your body more accurately than non-grounded meters. This is the best way to detect electric fields in your living spaces.  Many uses including checking to see how well your personal grounding, discharging and shielding methods are working and whether your living spaces are electrically "quiet".

Available at: LESSEMF.COM

"How To Use The Body Voltage Electric Field Meter"
How To Use the Body Voltage Electric Field Meter

20 Minutes.

EMF Audio Amplifier

Budget Buzz Stick
Searching for magnetic and electric fields in your living spaces means bending and reaching to ceilings and behind furniture. With this audio amplifier probe on a 3-foot long stick (not included), scanning living spaces is easy.
This affordable device is for preliminary audio scanning only, mo visual display or metric readout.
After locating trouble spots, then get precise readings with the other meters on this page.

"How To Use The Budget Buzz Stick"

Under $30.00 +shp
CLICK HERE to purchase
or for more information.

How To Use the Budget Buzz Stick
5 minutes.


Crime and Power
We are proud to provide occasional editorial assistance to the alternative news and information service CRIME and POWER which offers keen journalistic insight by the dedication and talents of their researchers and writers. CRIME and POWER unravels gross crimes and corruption through fearless and uncensored journalism. By identifying society's major problems, injustice and true criminals, Crime and Power brings us closer to restoring our world to peace, freedom, prosperity and sanity.

Take Back Your Power
Author: Nick Peneault
7 Things Every Health Practitioner Needs To Know About EMFs

Stop 5G in Earth and In Space

Go to this link and sign the appeal!
Show the PTB that there are large numbers of people supporting the control of environmental frequency pollution.

Author: Dr. Sam Milham

Author: Arthur Firstenberg

Free download!
If anyone tries to argue in favor of Smart Meters, the Smart Grid, Electronic Utility Metering or Wireless technology, tell them you will not discuss the matter UNTIL THEY READ THIS. If they want to push poison, they need to do the research first.
You will never see a more complete, clear and concise summary of the hazards and harm of wireless technologies than this paper. 257 pages of hard facts with detailed source reference footnotes, links, and table of contents.

More to come soon!

Adverse Effects Of Wireless Radiation On Humans
Science Direct, Toxicology Letters, Volume 323, 1 May 2020, Pages 35-40
Adverse health effects of 5G mobile networking technology under real-life conditions
Ronald N.Kostoffa PaulHerouxbMichaelAschnercAristidesTsatsakisde

The comments below are not legal advice and are not written by lawyers. In all legal matters consult your attorney.

WARNING: Opposition to your utility company's unlawful and harmful policies may result in denial of service and/or "penalty" fees on your bills. We recommend taking agressive legal actions against any utility company officials who maintain policies promoting those injustices. Installation of radiation-emitting surveillance devices on private property without disclosure and without consent of the occupants are crimes. Also, thousands of house fires have been caused by the installation of "advanced" digital electric meters.

1) If you have a digital electric, gas or water meter, make sure you have sent in a legal notice and replied to all their written and verbal communications with a denial of consent for trespass with radiation and surveillance. (Free download of legal notices at freedomtaker.com, scroll down and look in right column). With that notice you are rightfully demanding a safe and lawful ANALOG meter with NO DIGITAL COMPONENTS OF ANY KIND.

2) After allowing a few days or weeks for the utility company to provide a safe and lawful analog meter, edit, print and send a Notice of Default (see free download referred to above) to the utility company CEO along with a copy of your original notice. In other words, keep your legal options open even if you can't do anything else now. Then, at any time in the future you can bring suit or you may hear of a class action suit you can join without cost. If you send the Legal Notices you will have maintained your standing for legal action and reward in the future.

3) Do not indicate at any time that you are "not up for the fight" or ”too tired to fight”. Present yourself as resisting, actively prohibiting the trespass and defending your rights with your full determination and resources. In law, any statement or indication that you are not fighting can be taken as your agreement with all terms and conditions imposed upon you.

4) If possible NEVER agree to any “opt-out” contract. Those are extortion, requiring you to pay to not be harmed. THEN THEY HARM YOU ANYWAY with a "Trojan Horse" meter. To defend your health, safety, privacy and property rights against utility company assault you must serve notice and then YOU MUST MAKE ALL POLICY regarding entry and installations on your property. That means YOUR RULES, NOT THEIRS. This is more important than it seems. Utility companies are not police, they are guests on your property. When you agree to any unfair or unlawful violation you are agreeing to ALL violations. You LOSE ALL PROTECTION when you give up any protection because the utility company uses that as indication of your willingness to be criminally violated. Criminals may violate you and commit crimes against you IF YOU AGREE to such violations. When your opposition to violation is unclear, like in a utility easement, YOU MUST SERVE NOTICE and clarify your terms or you are presumed agreeable to ALL abuse and larceny. We recommend the free legal notice download to EVERY utility customer. (Free download at freedomtaker.com, scroll down and look in right column).

5) Do not compromise with anyone at the utility company and do not engage any verbal communications with them. As you'll see in the instructions with the legal notice download, to protect yourself you must keep all communications in writing and always with the CEO with a cc copy to anyone else who may be concerned. NEVER enter a negotiation or argument with an employee or manager. They do not have the authority to make accommodation with your terms. They don’t even have the option to obey the law without getting fired for violating company policy. Remember, company policy is ILLEGAL when it requires trespass and non-consensual radiation and surveillance on your property. Employees, by taking their paychecks, ARE AGREEING to be complicit in all crimes and harm to you caused by company policy (yes, name all complicit employees personally and individually in your legal actions).

6)  If you decide to send extortion payments for “opting out”, (We strongly recommend you never do that), make sure that you write on the check "involuntary and coerced payment under duress". Also make sure you send a notice to the CEO declaring that your payments and cooperation are under duress, coerced and involuntary. Keep certified mail receipts and copies of those notices. Without that your payment is AGREEMENT to be criminally violated and you may lose standing for legal actions in the future.

7)  If you have a digital electric meter, shut off your breakers when you sleep, especially the breakers that run lines to or through the bedroom. Get a wind-up or battery powered alarm clock.

8)  If you install shielding, make sure it is BETWEEN THE EMF SOURCE AND THE PEOPLE and verify the effect with scanning meters (above). Improper shielding and/or grounding can actually make exposures WORSE. Shielding is risky and difficult to do effectively. It will not help you at all to simply prevent their transmitters from sending data. You are agreeing to let them do that by permitting the equipment on your property. By defeating the equipment with shielding you are in violation for “tampering” with equipment you have accepted under your utility company easement.

9)  Ground your shielding material. If you are not sure about this, check with an electrician.

10)  Purchase some scanning meters to regularly scan your environment and verify your exposures (available above). Find ways to reduce the exposures.

11)  Minimize your use of cell phones, maximize their distance from your body at all times and DO NOT bring them or the chargers into the bedroom.

12)  Get rid of every chordless phone (use hard-wired phones), microwave oven, and other wireless device in your home. Look carefully, sometimes we forget that certain devices have wireless components. More and more appliances will have those wireless transmitters hidden inside in the future. Without scanning meters (above) you cannot detect those hidden devices.

13)  Turn off and remove every wi-fi device in your home. Use direct wired ethernet connections and routers for your internet connections. Turn off wi-fi on your laptop.

14) Remove all dimmer switches and replace them with binary (on/off) switches.

15) Turn off breakers to sleeping areas to eliminate all electric fields from wiring during sleeping hours.

16)  Keep your body away from transformers, motors, chargers, electrical wiring in the walls and in the room, power strips and electrical devices. Get these things away from places where you spend time like your desk.

17)  Avoid being physically in wi-fi fileds as much as possible (commercial locations are flooded with them). Children are especially vulnerable to harm from wi-fi. Wi-fi has now been banned from schools in many locations. Emotional and behavioral problems (ADD, ADHD) and childhood leukemia are directly and uniformly associated with those exposures.

18)  NEVER permit your child to sit for prolonged periods in wi-fi fields. If your school has wi-fi,  demand that it be turned off or remove your child on the basis of intentional criminal assault and take legal actions against the faculty. File criminal complaints with the police, the school board and the District Attorney. Many countries (France), states (Vermont), cities, counties and school districts have now banned wi-fi in schools for very good reason. United States restrictions on EMF exposures are far less stringent than most of the developed world including the more totalitarian regimes like China and Russia. This is due to excess corporate influence on U.S. lawmakers and it is based on pure corruption exactly as was seen with the protracted failures by public officials to protect the public from asbestos, lead, DDT and tobacco. Children consistently suffer behavioral problems and serious diseases when exposed to EMF.

19)  Check the area around your home and workplace for any transmitters for cell phone service or other civic communications. These are sometimes hidden and hard to spot. Theyt are even disguised as building tops and trees. They may be mounted on any pole, building or other structure. They have different sizes and shapes, but usually there is a small "stick" antenna or dish and a power supply in some kind of box. If there are any of those near your house you may need to use EMF scanning meters to check for EMF amplitudes at your living spaces. You may wish to file a complaint and request relocation or redirection of the transmitter. If a transmitter has been pointed at your home without disclosure and/or without your consent you are entitled to compensation for damages, trespass and risk to health.

20)  Check for overhead high-voltage wires and, if any are nearby, use a scanning meter to verify exposures. A general rule is to be at least three times as far from the wires as they are off the ground. If high-voltage lines are near your house you may want to consider moving, it is almost impossible to shield large nearby sources of EMF like that, and they DO cause cancer and other life-threatening ailments after prolonged exposure.

More links and resources on smart meters, digital meters, electromagnetic radiation, and making your living environment better. After several years of activism on the topic we regard the links below to be some of the most credible and valuable:
The award-winning documentary film 
"Take Back Your Power" exposes the hazards and the truth behind wireless technologies.

Take Back Your Power - The Movie

NoRadBlog - Resources and Videos on Vital EMF Information go to:
https://www.norad4u.com/ This is a massive portal of EMF links, information and resources.

For dozens of videos of tests and demonstrations of meters, appliances and devices go to:

For video demonstrations of EMR tests with common radiation-emitting devices go to:
COURTESY OFnorad4U.com


Microwave weapons expert Barrie Trower explains the horrors awaiting society if wireless technologies are not curtailed. Scroll down on the ZenGardener page to play video "Part 1" and "Part 2"
Direct YoutTube links to the same videos:



EMF Engineer Rob State's comprehensive 30-minute video "The Dark Side of Smart Meters":


The BIOINITIATIVE REPORT is a compilation of studies by 28 independent scientists and researchers exposing the harm of wireless technologies through rigidly conducted and peer-reviewed published studies, research and experiments. This is what you need when anyone asks you "WHERE'S THE SCIENCE?"

As of October, 2014, ththere is no longer any excuse for believing that EMF and digital utility metering are "harmless". This is a problem because some of those who refuse to face reality are policy makers and elite global manipulators. For those who still happen to be denying the harm and hazard of EMF and RF exposures, here is yet another highly credible report proving otherwise: THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE has released a report exposing direct effects of EMF and Radiofrequencies on Human Health.

13% to 35% of the population is electromagnetic sensitive and that percent is quickly rising as wireless exposures are multiplying. If you are sick and you don't know why, you may be sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies as so many people are. Very helpful info and resources are here:

Research, studies and solutions galore on harmful electrical pollution. Don't ask "where are the facts?" They are right here:

Magda Havas
Hard science, research and resources on electromagnetic pollution, hazards and effects, plus links to media articles at: https://www.magdahavas.com/

This web site is dedicated to providing information and resources to help people understand and take control of issues related to EMF, EMR, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic frequencies, radiation, scanning meters, electromagnetic sensitivity, ES, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, EHS, EMF mitigation, EMF shielding, microwave pollution, cell tower pollution, smart meter pollution, smart grid privacy invasion, surveillance, utility company trespass, smart meter fires, smart meter data collection and data gathering, cell phones, baby monitors, chordless phones, microwave ovens, wifi, wi-fi, bluetooth and wireless devices.

Contact EMF Help Center at:
P.O. Box 942, Aguanga, CA 92536
Office: 818-319-4282, Cell: 818-843-3667
  email: help (put that "at" symbol here) emfhelpcenter.com